As odd of a movie Swiss Army Man was it still told a story that has meaning for our lives. A lot of the movie included child humor and various things we would come across as we grew up. Manny came back from the dead and his constant odd bodily functions such as farting kept him going. As Manny finds his life's purpose, Hank wants to find civilization and Sarah was a significant figure in their journey to get back to a normal life. I think a lot of people now a days have trouble finding their purpose and Hank was on the fence of taking his own life and I think the movie was pretty bold for having that as the opening scene because that moment was very intense and I think there should be a trigger warning if there wasn't one already. Manny saved Hanks life because Hank was about to end up like Manny if Hank went through with his suicide attempt. Manny showed Hank indirectly that there is something worth living for as he lies on the shore and that theres no going back if you take your life. Hank ended up bringing Manny back to life and Manny's various superpowers made Hank feel alive again and Hank depended on Manny for a while to actually survive before Hank truly helped Manny function somewhat normally again. As they went through the forest they really created a home for themselves and as they tried finding ways out Manny and Hank became closer and Manny asked many of life's important questions and Hank did his best to help him as they finally found Sarah. Manny was "dead" as Hank and Manny escaped their fight with a bear and the police were called and Hank refused to give Manny up because he knew he was still alive. Manny was alive and Hank's dad, Sarah, and the others couldn't believe their eyes as Manny was farting and acting like Hanks jet ski as they zoom down the ocean in a blaze of glory.
I think that The Daniels did a great job in their film with the cinematography because it felt as if this was a film that was filmed with limited resources which it was. Like our short film project, Swiss Army Man was filmed with very limited resources and I liked this films style because it felt like it was a journey rather than a very scripted film like most films can feel like. I thought it was funny how close in proximity everything was to each other, like the island that Manny and Hank first met at was super close to the forest and then it turned out that the forest was practically the woods in Sarah's backyard. The woods/forest felt so huge when really it was probably less than a mile, because at the end of the movie as the police, Hanks dad, Sarah and news reporters chased Hank and Manny they went through the woods within a few moments, when Hank and Manny went through it for days and days. I thought the scene where Hank and Manny created the bus where Manny was going to talk to Sarah was cinematic because of the colors, the crazy series of events that went on, and the realistic, but odd way of acting it out. This way of portraying the story made it seem so relatable because there are times where you may want to say something to maybe a girl or guy you like, but really it wouldn't go well if you said the things you had to redo, so I thought when they had to redo so many parts of that scene was quite humorous and relatable.
My own thoughts on this film were not very positive after watching this movie if I am going to be honest. I just think we could have used our time to watch something more engaging and something more appealing to us as a mature audience because like I said, there was a lot of childish humor in this film, now yes some of it was funny, but I think theres better movies that tell a better story that Swiss Army Man told us. I understand why we watched this movie which was for the purposes of our short film making project, but I just think watching the short films from the past was sufficient. Swiss Army Man came from a Swiss Army Knife because Manny had his many purposes and messages just like how a Swiss Army Knife has its many purposes, so I liked the title and I believe Swiss Army Man was compared to the knife. I was 15 when this movie came out and I think I would have loved it when I was 15, but I am 21 years old, I don't think child humor is all that funny anymore, so I think that is why I didn't like the movie. I liked the story and its purpose, but a lot of the elements within the movie kind of ruined the story in my opinion because I think a movie like this could have been a little more serious and the meaning behind it would have been taken more serious if the humor was kept to a minimum. Those are just my thoughts.